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Storm Water Education & Small Project Fund

Information & How to Apply

Rain to Rivers of Western Wisconsin, as part of its educational efforts, is offering small grants to organizations and entities looking to conduct specific storm water educational efforts.

Organizations such as non-profit groups, schools and government entities are eligible for these grants.


Requirements and Process:


  • Grants are for the purpose of storm water education

  • Grants are small, with a maximum amount for any one grant of $1,000

  • Each grant application will be considered and accepted or denied based on its merits and consistency with grant criteria

  • Proposals are to have a primary educational purpose

  • Public information regarding the activity would be encouraged (press releases, signage, etc.)

  • Educational effort or organization is within the jurisdictional boundaries of Rain to Rivers

  • Funds will be distributed to approved projects on first come-first served basis

  • Grant proposals will be evaluated on a regular basis by members of Rain to Rivers

  • Number of grants awarded per year will be limited by availability of funds


Eligible Projects

Projects that may meet the stated criteria for the grant program include:


  • Storm water educational workshops/events

  • Storm water field trips

  • Installation of rain gardens to control storm water runoff

  • Construction and installation of rain barrels to control storm water runoff

  • Classroom events/lessons focused on storm water education

  • Installation of pervious pavers or other pervious surfaces that allow infiltration of rain fall or runoff




  • Strength of Educational Proposal—public exposure, a message consistent with Rain to Rivers messages

  • Past Funding—Resources will be spread amongst organizations

  • Public outreach and informational effort

  • Geographical distribution of projects

  • Limit one grant per entity per year

  • In-kind and matching support encouraged


How to Apply

Download and complete the application pages found at the document link below. 

Once complete, you may use the "Email Now" link provided in the application to submit.


or -


Email the completed application to our Stormwater Outreach Coordinator:

Landon Profaizer


or - 


Send via USPS to:

West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

Attn. Landon Profaizer

800 Wisconsin St., Mailbox 9

Building D-2, Suite 401

Eau Claire, WI 54703


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Contact Info:

Landon Profaizer

Stormwater Outreach Coordinator

Tel: 715-836-2918



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